Project change management plan

Every project management process and real project needs a plan for project management. Reference: Change Management Plan – Real Sample Document, ISSN: 1941-8280, Volume 1, 2020


This plan is usually created by the project manager assigned to the project and usually includes several standard topics. The article is a simple real-world change management plan that can be used by you for academic learning purposes or even when creating real documents.


Sample project change management plan


Submission of a form for changes in the respective department with an incoming number - the form is filled in with all mandatory fields and is submitted to the office for an incoming number.


Sorting the forms by priority and date - the forms must be reviewed by the secretary and prioritized for the day and handed over to the project manager. Reference: Change management plan in Project Management practices, ISSN: 1933-8848, Volume 1 2020


Viewing by the project manager of:



Preparation of a response by the project manager



Upon refusal of the change request


Preparation of an opinion with the reasons for refusal - the reasons for refusal and possible corrections necessary for its subsequent approval upon re-submission shall be indicated.


Change Management Plan – Real Sample Document, Example